Most lenders require a minimum down payment of 5 to 10 percent and will have loan terms ranging from 15 to 30 years.
If you are buying the manufactured home and the land together, or plan to place the home on land you already own, some financial institutions offer traditional real estate mortgages with similar interest rates. Should you be purchasing the manufactured home separately from the land on which it will be located, it will probably be financed as a personal property manufactured home loan.
FHA-insured loans are available to manufactured home buyers. If available in your area, these types of loans may offer lower interest rates or lower down payment requirements. They require more paperwork during the credit application and approval process and, therefore, may take longer for approval than a conventional loan.
If you do not have your own lender, please feel free to call us (1-661-398-0973) and our sales staff can provide you with names and phone numbers of lenders you can call to obtain financing for your new manufactured home.
Address: 1401 Taft Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93307
Address: 1401 Taft Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93307
Phone Business: 661-398-0973
Fax: 661-398-0979
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Appointments Available
Member of the Manufactured Homes Association Veteran's Administration Approved
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